Friday, June 18, 2021

What trick are modern scammers using

Do scammers usually have a lot of pictures? - James Roston

Here I will give you the #1 secret to identify a scammer immediately you see them, it doesn't matter if you see them online or at the street, even inside the so called worship centers, con artist are everywhere, especially if you are a business person even your own very family members would suck you dry if you don't love yourself enough to know when you should say no.

After reading this to the very end, you should be able to;

☠️ Identify scammers more easily

☠️Learn the newer tricks that scammers use

☠️Identify what a fake website or a cloned website looks like

☠️Know when any of your friends or family members are under the control of scammers

☠️Know What you should do when you sense that someone around you is about to be scammed. 

☠️ Give your life to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our your life, you know if you can decide to surrender yourself to Jesus, he would make you into what is much more better than what you want to be, Yeshua will do what no man ever thought of for you, the problem Is that as we get rich we feel that we are ok,... Jesus will see you through.

James Roston, an IT professional with over 25 years experience in Tackling online fraud published the article below on 29th of March, 2021.

"A friend of mine was a victim of a romance scam. The scammer contacted and asked for her permission to connect on Skype. His profile picture looked like this: (Stolen - this was actually a 4 Star Air Force General Mark A. Welsh who was a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2012 to 2016, and had no idea his picture was being used to deceive and defraud widows around the country).

The scammer claimed he was in Afghanistan, and could not appear on camera or by voice, but only by text. He claimed that his wife had died in a car accident along with his two daughters 15 years previous. My friend was quite excited to have attracted the attention of a United States Air Force General. I asked her one simple question. “How much money have you sent him?” She said “Only a thousand dollars”. I asked for permission to pretend to be her for the next Skype session. He was about to spring the big ask on her. He called me “my angel” and proceeded to talk about our future together. I was dutifully excited. He asked me, “Do you trust me?” I knew what was coming next, so I told him that I did, but some of my family members had concerns. He asked what he could do to alleviate their concerns. I told him, “Repay the $1000”. He said he would, he only needed it because he could not get to a bank in Afghanistan.

That’s when I told him I had some concerns myself, for instance, though he was born in Texas, all of his words had British spellings. He said he grew up in Gibraltar. I told him I had been there, and found the island beautiful, and asked if he had ever driven around the entire coastline. He said he had, and I was correct, it was a lovely drive. (Gibraltar is a peninsula). I asked him about his deceased wife, and he told me more about her. Then I asked if his current wife of 40 years Betty knew that he was a bigamist, and if his two boys in the Air Force Academy was aware of his double life.

He said “Who is filling your head with this nonsense?” I said, “Google.”

Of course I really don’t care what he thought. I was putting on a display for my dear friend and president of her local “Lonely Hearts Club”. She needed to know for sure that this man was a fraud. It turns out he was operating out of Ghana in West Africa, a hot bed of this kind of activity.

Scammers use whatever supports their stories, and whatever is available to them. It may be a little, it may be a lot. If they are able to gain access to someone else’s Microsoft, Google or Dropbox account, they can piece together some information that will make their stories more believable. Sometimes they use dating sites to gather information from profiles there. They can engage an unsuspecting victim there under another name, chat them up, gather personal information and connections, then contact them under yet another identity to cover their footprints and reel in the fish.

Financial schemers may also use similar tactics, promising great gain (such as the notorious “Nigerian Letter”).

The internet is not a safe place for hooking up with strangers. No matter how many pictures they have, if you cannot independently verify someone’s identity, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true at all.

ADDENDUM: From at least one comment, I think it right to point out that just because you can see the face and hear the voice does not mean the person on the other end is not a con artist looking to prey on innocent victims. Perhaps the biggest tell of all is monetary. There is a usual characteristic that people in romantic situations should be roughly financial equal and not dependent on the other’s finances to survive. If someone develops a relationship with us online, and suddenly have some big “emergency” that only your pile of cash can solve, the answer should be “no”. If they play the “If you love me you would…(do as I ask)” it is time to sever the communication line and I mean forever. It is hard for many people, once those endorphins have been released, to deny their feelings and follow their more practical self, but it really is a matter of survival. Your paramour should be financially stable enough to not need his (or her) new “friend” to come to the rescue. Shared finances belong to a stage of relationship that requires cohabitation after really bonding. It is so easy to fake care over internet connections, and if even meeting someone in church might lead to disaster, why on earth would we consider casting our pearls before the swine from Skype (or wherever) that, truth be known, we barely know and who has no real path of accountability if things go wrong?"


To me the person that scammed the lady above is either still a beginner or the story was a very old one.

The number one strategy or prove against scammers is to be spiritually strong, know Christ Jesus for your self will save you a lot of trouble.

The information that am going to give you here is worth as much as your net worth multiplied by the number of years from Adam to the day that you take your last breath times fourtynine, there's no amount place on it that can equal the value except your life.

Why  should you read to the end?


I was born in the old Gongola, my father in the 90s was known as "Sir P" in Jemeta Yola, his line of business includes Electronics, Provision, Salon, Restorant, and Brewery depot with Coca-Cola which he did so well that he received a fridge and a Cooler from the company.

Though born in Northern Nigeria,I grew up in the end of the Academic Era of Anambra state in South East Nigeria, and benefited from the Education policy of  then Governor, Peter Obi. I was previlaged to be taught Computer in practical. In my last class in highschool I started attending a computer school and finished one year after.

Why you have to believe  what you read here?

I have worked and traded in three different states in Nigeria, either you choose to continue reading or not believe me I know that some scammers will want to read this that's why I have to do some preaching at the beginning, but by the God that lives in heaven if you should after reading this and try to use the information here to scam some one God will honour my word and you are going to run mad before you even finish implementing the tricks. If you want think that nothing will happen be ready to have the samblance of the experience of the gentleman that bought a rat poison and tasted it to know how effective the poison is πŸ™„  police are still investigating the case - people who are around when the incedent happened said that when the "gentleman" asked the seller if the poison was effective he was told to taste it to find out, and he did within seconds and died on his way home.

So Oga SCAMMER taste it ☠️

Why do you get scammed in the first place?

Most people would say greedy πŸ’€

They will most likely add, why should you believe someone that tells you to bring a 🐈 cat and he will give you back an elephant in 45mins🀯 , if that was true he should have done it himself and get many of those big beast and sell the right to shot them at $75,000 (US Dollars).

But what will you say about a lady who was asked to interpret for a foreigner who is selling a sowing machine to a local client and some how they were able to trick her and withdraw some cash with her atm. She only gave the card for the seller to use it to withdraw cash for baba to pay the Niger Sowing machine international supplier, up till today both baba and the seller dropped out of the planet. To me why people are scammed is just because they are ignorant, there's nothing more or less, am happy that you are still reading, at the you will be more wise.

It's ignorance of the website (URL) address of the company that you want to buy  buy from that will make you not to understand that there is a different between and , one  bad thing about a cloned website is that everything in the fake website may look almost excertly like it is in the original website, if it is a sales page you would end up buying from them and what you ordered for will never get delivered.

The only way to identify a fake website is to know the address to it word for word.

What should you do after you notice that someone is under the control of scammers.

Around a week ago,  one guy approached me to sell his service to me, this young handsome gentleman was a native doctor as they say, he have a great idea, and he feels that as I works with computer automatically I was a Yahoo boy, ( Yahoo boy is the term used to refer to men who defraud people with the internet). To him his charms are very effective and second to none, I have to myself from asking him why didn't him use the charms himself and make tons of money if they are the effective, the guy look very hungry in my eyes.

The truth is that those who are deep G-game boys as some of them refer to themselves involve in verious ritual practice, they sacrifice a lot, it doesn't matter if they have to kill some one or eat shit, if there testis are demanded as far as they can sacrifice that opportunity to be a biological father and still be alive they will do it. After the encounter with the self acclaimed native doctor, I knew that I have to write this very article, as a graphic designer I have ignorantly designed a lot materials for this guy's. 

That the vendor you saw online sent you pictures of what you ordered doesn't mean that they are genuine, I once designed a packaged cartoon with the names of the buyer written on it, when you see the pictures that I converted to JPEG from Corel Draw Graphics Suite excerpt if you are told that those write up was designed you will never have a reason to have a second thought on the genuineness of your supplier, my pains is that most of them now went and learned design. When ever you paid for something and was asked to pay again for it to be delivered because there was problem at the port please just go to the said Port or delivery agent office, or call them direct don't use the information that the supplier gave you or the one on the pictures to track the order, infact if they can't find a way to deliver the product after you have paid fully for it, they are probably scammers and you shouldn't give them more money until the your order is delivered.

True Live Testimony.

One of my choir members in church meet scammers on his way back home, they confused him and he went home and start to break the box where his father keep valuables and money, but his father who have experienced things like that gave him a red hot resounding slap 😱 his eyes cleared he started crying that he doesn't know what is wrong with him, he automatically loosed memories of what he did after he meet the two guys on his way back who asked him address, for him to take his father were they dropped him from there car and asked him to go and bring the money in the box in his father's wardrobe they zoomed off as they saw him coming with his father. The surprising thing is that according to his father he knew that his son didn't have a peroir knowledge that he kept a high amount of money in that box. How then did they know? ☠️ You may want to slap the person, but the idea here is to find a way to make the person understand that they're not not in there right sense.  What James Roston did in the story that you read in the beginning is a very good idea of how to followup the person, because if you leave them they will still  give the said scammers more money.

Question, what should you do when someone is about to be scammed?

The answer to this is very simple, tell them? πŸ€“  Case Closed...

But have you ever been accused of being an enemy of progress, 😭 it's ok.

Months ago, I can't really remember the event word to word, but a friend commented on my Facebook post, I think in the comment she referred to me as sweet heart πŸ’“,  then my primary school class mate replied to her comment, the reply was what a newly wedded husband will do when you press the wife breast in his very presence, in replying him I called him my primary school class mate, next thing that he did was to go to my inbox and ask me to delete the place where I called him my classmate πŸ˜‘πŸ˜ πŸ€•.

***Earlier*** before that incedent I and my school mate have have chatted at midnight, from our chat I was able to find out that he was a "Yahoo boy" , he did not believe it when I told him that why I was online at that time was because I was preaching the Gospel to someone, as God will have it the lady that I was chatting with was the same that he tried to scam,  I went to his profile to check if he was the real person, everything there was correct, including his picture, but his age was an elephant lie, his work experience can swallow a shark, the most notable was where he claimed to be a scientist in London, this my classmate took first position all through our class in primary school, you can call him a science genius, like we Affiliate marketers will do he focused on his niche, knowing what he's capable of I knew that trouble was smelling for my friend. I contacted her immediately and sent her screenshots of my chat with him, but she was a wise fellow, he have even asked her to snap her ATM card and send to him, he has also requested for money, but according to her she knew from the on set that he was a scammer, the information I gave her was a prove of her feeling about him, he even called her on vedio call in WhatsApp. But she talked about having feelings for him which she can't explain, we latter handled that with prayer. Later on her husband who seem not to understand what the wife went through start making trouble with her - I have to tell you that so that you will know that at situations like that you should help your spouse, friend, ward or whoever to recover and one of the best way is through prayer, you have to take it to God because the person may likely be under magical control. That my classmate 😑 , I wish I have another name better to address him later blocked me on Facebook, I later found out that he changed his Facebook Name. I was bent on getting him arrested because he later went as far as trying to tarnish my image, until I can locate him he may still scam another person. My Facebook Market place was later closed, but to the glory of God after I complained to Facebook they opened it after about two months.

  In conclusion

I would have showed you the screenshot of a mail that I received, were some one asked me to allow him use my Account to receive a huge amount of money, but after I refused to accept my phone was stolen,  with in weeks after the incedent, I have not raised money to buy a new phone, infact am so depressed, I went under a series of problems, then that afternoon I listened in shock as a radio station aired the news of how a girl was arrested at am ATM MACHINE for defrauding a Hugh amount of money, the girl was crying and pleading that she only helped someone to receive the money in her account, she said she was promised a huge amount out of the money and that she has no idea that the money was ill-gotten.

I have to tell that story because scam these days have advanced, as the Nigerian Government move to link all mobile number in the country to the nation identity data base, the scammers themselves are developing more advanced way to remain under cover, and I think that the presence of VPN apps even makes it easier, here in Media Community our goal is to help everyone around us become rich in the most easiest and legal means available, the presence of scammers is a threat to my number one goal of being successful and getting every young African to be successful. 

We will appreciate it if you can share information that will help this young fellows to manifest there good Angels, internet fruad may not end, but we can show young people that there's are better ways to make good dollars through the internet.




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Friday, June 11, 2021

Can your IP address determine how much you can make online?Find outπŸ’


How to change your IP address and hide your location


The internet is a big network of connected devices, every device has a unique address where others can send information when they want to communicate. This unique identifier is your IP address and it is automatically assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). 

The ban of the use of by @MBuahari in Nigeria have made many trying to find other means to access the micro blogging site. 

Many personalities have reacted to the development,  "Congratulations to the country of Nigeria, who just banned Twitter because they banned their President. More COUNTRIES should ban Twitter and Facebook for not allowing free and open speech — all voices should be heard, competitors will emerge and take hold. Who are they to dictate good and evil if they themselves are evil? Perhaps I should have done it while I was President" was credited to the formal US President Donald Trump.

While Pastor E. A. Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)- a church in Nigeria  have twitted  “The Redeemed Christian Church of God is domiciled in more than 170 nations and territories. The tweets here are in accordance with Article 19 of the United Nations universal declaration of human rights. “Article 19 of the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights reads: ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.’”  

His fellow cleric Pastor William Folorunsho Kumuyi the  founder and General Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry Worldwide, have via his Twitter handle said that “In view of the Twitter ban in Nigeria, please note that the content shared on this handle is targeted at a global audience in more than five continents and over 100 nations and we share the content from any of these locations.”   πŸ™„. That was actually a very smart reaction πŸ˜‰.  

Meanwhile China, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Myanmar have earlier banned Twitter in there country and  more countries are likely to do the same in the nearest future.  

As our purpose here is to help you be the best that you can be, and in response to most of your questions we would answer the questions below;

What is an IP address?

Why should you hide your IP?

What are the basic Risks in hiding your IP address?

How Can I Protect My IP Address?


Currently most of internet traffic is served over IPv4, consisting in four series of numbers ranging from 0 to 255. There are "only" 4 billion IPv4 adresses, to avoid running out of available addresses IPv6 was developed, expanding the number to 340 trillion trillion trillion (2128).

What is an IP address?

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a unique number assigned to all devices (such as a computer, tablet, or phone) when they connect to the internet.

Why should you hide your IP?

1. To hide your geographical location

 You must have watched movies where the actors use computer to move a pointer in a map from one point of the map to another, if you have recalled seeing something like that 😺 what they actually played there is to change they geographic location. What that means is that when you try to find them on  or any other location tracking sites like that you will be referred to another location.

2. To prevent Ad Networks from Tracking your device 

Have you noticed that when you browse things related to football score line you are likely to see Adverts of betting companies, the reason is because of the fact that whenever you sign up for or use Google, Bing, Yahoo,  Facebook you gave these companies access to track your browsing history which they use to target relevant advertisements to you,  This type of targeted marketing might seem convenient to some people, but others will find it intrusive πŸ‘Ί. 

3. To Hide Your Activity from Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Though your ISP may protect your data now, they could turn around and start selling it without your knowledge, you can try reading the terms and conditions of any service that you want to use to understand more.  They may sell your browsing history to advertisers and marketing analysts, in that way they profit  more than just your Internet bill- the money that you paid for data subscription.

4. Keep Your Sensitive Research Private

Some of us may think that browsing the internet in incognito mode keeps your search private, but what it actually does is to prevent your device from saving your browsing history, if you work in a profession where you conduct a lot of sensitive research, you may not want that search traced back to you. This might be the case with business startups, military personnels,  journalists, police inspectors,  political candidates, celebrities, even hackers πŸ™„, Success require knowing what others don't know. Hiding your IP address keeps these searches private and and untraceable.

5. To work online and earn money right from your basement

If you have ever tried to register for  any online platform then you should consider learning how to change your IP address πŸ€” , one of my brethren asked me how will you now get your money in cash after they have paid you, I said " sign up for PayPal account and do cashout," 😲, if you don't understand you can ask me to explain more in the comment box.

What are the basic Risks in hiding your IP address?

1. Slow network, when your IP address is locked especially when browsing, it may reduce the quality of the network that you get.

2. Exposure to being hacked, when you use unsecure VPN (Virtual Private Network) service.

3. You run a risk of getting arrested if you use it for activities prohibited in your country.

4. It costs money to access unlimited and secure VPN service.

How Can I Protect My IP Address?

1. Try to avoid clicking on Malware and any suspicious link

Malware and other software that harms your device and compromises your data is often received via emails. 

2. Use a Unique Password

A unique password is one that cannot be easily guessed, aviod the temptation to use one password for different accounts. Instead create a Google account and sign in with it.

3. Download a VPN app

This is the easiest way to protect your IP address, with the Virtual Private Network app you can change your IP Address. Hiding your IP address prevents data tracking. When you connect to a VPN, the only thing your ISP can see is that you’ve connected to that network. Everything beyond that—including your searches and the new IP address you’ve been assigned—will be protected from your ISP.

Which VPN Service should I use?

 1. CyberGhost 


3. WindScribe

We look forward to serve you more, please tell us the questions you would have us answer next time.

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Monday, June 7, 2021

Public Speaking- How great CEO's talk out side

 PUBLIC SPEAKING - the most practical skill to influence people. If you can talk to anyone, at anytime, in anywhere then you have mastered the secret of good communication as Larry Zeiger the award-winning host of CNN's Larry King Live would say "Keep It Simple, Stupid".

Am so glad that you clicked link, that is a sign that you would one day become a great person, in the next few minutes we are going to answer questions like;

How to begin a talk?

What will get people interested?

The best way to make people understand you?

When to exchange contacts? 

How to end a talk and make money from who you talked to?

Some years back when I was much younger, though am still very young, I was part of a group of young people who sang in a District Choral Competition. Before the D-Day my team gathered almost every evening and did what we called "Practice"πŸ€”  We planned on how to present the song at the competition, I remembered surgesting that we should appear on stage in a particular attire - of which other members of the team disagreed with, they said "the event have a dress code" which was actually a T-shirt which every one was expected to appear in. 

At the event we found out that other teams that will compete with us paid music experts to coach them, apart from evening practice they did night practice and the top three most out standing teams in that competition all presented there song in a unique attire, they think out of the box.

When the results where announced my teams position was successfully secondπŸ˜ƒ to the last position, but the team with the last position didn't even attend. (I would want you to reread this paragraph if you did smile after reading it), thank God that they did not attend, I hate to be associated with anything last position excerpt for being the last child in my family. The story above is the summary of what you are going to learn in the next five minutes if you continue reading.

How to begin a talk?

I grew up finding it difficult to talk, I stuttered through almost every word, and this gets worse when am outside especially when teachers ask me question in class, one of my distant cousin sister use to call me heavyweight starmmerer 😭, but now if I should pick up an aguement with you, believe me except if you know what you are saying and I do not understand the issue before getting involved - I hardly makes such mistake, I guarantee you that I will out talk you. My strategy is very simple, I built confidence in myself, when ever I sees more successful or influencial person I imagine how he/she talked as a kid learning how to talk and I take that feeling in contrast to what I want to achieve in talking to you. If you are a male I would likely ask you about football if I meet you at a viewing center sipping your glass of beer, I would ask a prospective girl friend if she would be driving or taking a taxi home from church service πŸ™„ , but that should be after greeting and introducing myself. After taking the first step which many people shy away from, the next step will be to pass the acid test.

What will get people interested?

If you should tell a Nigerian about the Biafra agitation and the recent attacks on police stations in South-East Nigeria he would pay more attention to you if he or she is of  the Igbo ethnic group or have a relative who is a police officer that serves in the region, but when you talk about the increasing case of Corona virus in India, he would likely ask you to help him log his Twitter account. The truth is that if people are to find what you have to say interesting enough to listen to you have to talk about what they need and what they want to hear about, tell them what they care for like there health, how they can solve low sperm count, explain in detail how you as a millionaire started and made it to the top, they will listen. 

Last week Saturday I helped a  man type in recharge card pins in his Android phone which developed a sensor problem after falling down 😞 . Our talks that day was  about how/where to fix it, I also advised him to fix a Glass Screen Guard later. Before he left I chipped in that I stocks screen guard, he was the one that started the conversation and is obvious to me that he just wanted me to help him but if after helping him I told him about T.B Joshua he would likely not be interested in what I was saying. Don't talk about a new brand of diaper in the market with a bachelor- you will just kill the conversation. Instead of telling your friends who are deep in debt about the new ten thousand dollar iPhone tablet tell them how they can market it and make money 😁- they will ask you to explain more. After you have the interest of your audience, you have to know;

The best way to make what you are saying clear?

When I started my company, in the first year I found myself spending close to 20% of our Profit trying to correct misunderstood instructions which have lead to expensive error. For instance when you contact a Chinese manufacturer to add a particular feature when producing and packaging for your product, if you do not give the information in details, like saying what the design would look like, the size, weight, colour, the quality of the raw material to be used, just as many information as you can, you're as good as jumping out of an aeroplane with out a parachute - will end up getting yourself killed. When talk to people use simple language that even a seven year old can easily understand, as the Chief Executive if you meaning of your order is not clear you loose money. One of the best ways to make sure that you are well understood is after saying something, rephrase it and say it again. Another way is to listen and listen again, the latter "listen" stands for the body language, the facial expression of who you are talking to tells if you are communicating or not. Forget about the "yes sir" or "the nodding of head" some people just behaves like GetResponse, they would react and still go and do exactly the opposite of what you said. Finally ask questions.

When to exchange contacts? 

Most people will do that at the end of the conversation, but I personally in most case will ask about your contact if our conversation leads to you telling me your occupation, if you are selling something you can add exchange of contact as a way of closing the sale, after the ask the person to buy. I once listened as Sen. Ifeanyi Ubah, a Nigerian oil billionaire and also one of the governitorial candidates in Anambra State Nigeria asked an aluminum dealer for his contact after he mentioned that he sales aluminum roofing sheets , the Senator was like, " I actually needs aluminum sheets to roof some of the house that we built for our people, though my friend sales but can I get your phone number" . The man gave it quickly with a "thank you sir" at the end. The Honourable Senator replied "I know that you will give me discount, I will call you by 10 O'clock tomorrow". He ended the conversation and also made money, I will tell you how he made money from that conversation while answering our last question.

How to end a talk and make money from who you talked to?

Be it online 🀳  , in the train station, at the barber shop, presenting a lecture before ending any talk with a new person please in the name of what ever you believe in try and call for action, it can be giving out your social media contact like most On Air Personalities do on after Radio and Television show, drop your business card, offer  to buy lunch for the person πŸ›, invite them to your birthday πŸŽ‚ party, just do anything positive that will make them to talk about you when they get home, the Senator made money from getting the roofing sheets at a lesser price. Find a way to make yours.

In summary, keep on reading and developing yourself, even the best speakers still reads, like the Boys Scott will say "be prepared", keep your language simple and stupid, if you can use humour to your advantage fine but never Force it or tell us that you want to tell a joke before you tell the joke. Be kind enough to know what people need and profer solutions to those problems and try not to use those confusing technical language, I follow Google to tell you "be no evil". Make good aquitance and keep the connection strong via phone calls, mails, text message, and occasional meetings who knows one of these days those contacts will definitely make you some cool cash.

Don't forget to comment and tell us what question you would like us to write about next time.

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